Thursday 14 January 2010

Sometimes words are the only thing that will satisfy.

We often find in life that people let us down. The people we love the most can hurt us the most as we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to them, causing us to push them away when we are attacked. We can subconsciously allow this anger and fear to overcome us and sometimes we lose loved ones to a world that has forgotten how to forgive.

Yes, we live in a modern age, where the vast majority of humans live virtually, through the vortex of the web. We can easily avoid human contact, in favour of spending hours on the Internet. After all, a computer cannot hurt us or put us down or shout at us, and if we do receive hate mail, the "delete" button is there to rescue us, like a small lifeboat on the sea of QWERTY.

Surfing the net is a Paradise for millions of us. Hour after hour, we can casually intrude on other people's social networking profiles. We anonymously view photos, memories, lives, and are filled with joy, jealousy, hate, want, at what we see. But what is the point, I ask you. We are only torturing ourselves, by subjecting our eyes to reading about lives which seem, on the surface, more perfect than our own.

On the other hand, the Internet can be a powerful outlet. Some find comfort in their own words: through sharing their thoughts of life in what is now known as a BLOG. Some feel that if they write themselves down like a book, share the intimate details of their lives with the world, that they will somehow achieve possibly fame, and/or fortune, but some merely want to be accepted into a world, where they have been shunned for being true to themselves. They can hide behind a pretty web page and not display their true identity. They have the power and control of what they write. Words are their constant friend. They can place them in order, shape their meaning, change tone to suit, add punctuation when expression is needed. The writer is in control. The writer is safe. As long as their opinions are not too controversial, shall we say.

You must wonder, where is my point, my conclusion? Well, I've decided to give it a go. Write a blog for a year. Find out what all the hype is about, and answer a few questions of my own. Personally, being someone who holds their emotions inside, locked in a vault with numerous locks and bolts, I do not freely express what I feel. I find it difficult, due to various events of my past, to allow people to know private thoughts in my head, as I am never certain they will not use it against me in future. I have issues with trust, let's leave it at that. I simply wonder, will this form of expressing myself actually help me to let out those emotions which I hold in and hide from those closest to me? Will writing out what I feel inside prove more therapeutic than human contact? By remaining anonymous, I will share with you, dear reader, everyday stories from my life. Some happy, some sad. I can't promise drama or that you will be hanging on my every word, but I can promise honesty to the core. After all, you will simply be reading the everyday trivialities that I pursue on this journey they call life.

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